When the sunlight dies

My life sucks! I feel low! I feel unwanted! I am the unluckiest bitch on earth! I feel like crap! I have nobody! God has no mercy on me! I feel like a loser! Life has not been easier on me!
If all this is going through your mind then welcome to the depression club!! Cheers!
Yes! I am going through it. So, do you think having a pity party and lamenting about it to your pals gonna make you feel better?! Sob sob, you are just fanning the flames!
Here is what that can make you feel better:
Spend some quality time with yourself:
When in solitude you do have a better chance of understanding and discovering yourself. Rather than complaining about your situation figure out ways to overcome it!
Complaining ain’t gonna help. It will only make things worse. If you wanna share your problems do share it but only with people who care about you others wont probably listen! Pouring out your emotions in your diary is the most effective remedy and I am sure it works.
Count your blessings:
Count your blessings rather than your curses! Take a paper and list out all the things that you are thankful for! Trust me this will make you feel better! Appreciate whatever you have otherwise no matter what, you will never be happy!
Look at the brighter side:
Always try to look for positives in all the bad situations! I know its easier said than done! This is the most frustrating statement which I have ever come across in life. But, looking at the brighter side of a bad situation helped me figure out that everything happens for a reason. And most of the times it has turned out to be for a better one only!
Never lose hope:
I have always wondered whether ‘hope’ is a good word or not! Hope is not only a positive word but having hope makes you believe in things which opens a whole new world of possibilities! Its sure to give you the confidence needed. Aah, Hope is a good word!
Extend your circle of friends:
Interacting with people of the same wavelength and frequency as of yours can be refreshing! They might be able to understand you better! Try joining some organizations or groups to take your mind off unwanted things. As said an idle mind is devil’s workshop! So, try to keep yourself as busy as possible.
Probably in the middle of all this you would have forgotten to laugh! So take time for yourself to get back to your bestie to have a nice long chit-chat! Or do watch any of your favorite sitcoms or treat yourself to a nice comedy movie! And you can always get back to the happy person that you had lost long back only when you realize that life is not to be taken seriously!

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