Just a movie?

Kaththi: where to start?!
Truly a movie worth watching for it has all the essential ingredients that can grasp the audience attention for 150 minutes and that too with a strong social message. Even the kids do have the patience to hear the plight of the farmers’ cause of their hero, who by the way never fails to give the superman impression 😛 An applause to the director for his script, good plot, wonderful direction, amazing punch dialogues, one-liners, all the sarcasm about the juvenile justice (I loved that scene!!) and for all the witty techniques, where the hero handles the villains (thinking how the director managed to get those ideas!). Usually there only seems to be one man army vs an entire bunch of rowdies. Here too it’s the same except with a bit of logic and unnecessary heroism! No flaws, one movie worth watching after a long time. My doubt is kaththi has surely tasted success as movie for the extraordinary box-office collections that it has made but in terms of the message it delivered, will there be any change?! I think issue raised there needs a lot of attention, apart from being just an entertainment!
Are corporates the only villains for depletion of agricultural lands? I guess it was easy for the director to show one villain for movie purpose whereas in reality there are a lot of people out there! No smoke without fire and no corporates without demand!! When there is a need, so arises the situation for the corporates to produce! If people would probably stop using their products, there would be no need for corporates! It’s not just the corporates who seize agricultural lands but also the real estate people for construction of apartments and flats! All I could hear was the clap sounds of the fans when their hero spoke that climax speech! I really couldn’t figure out whether they really clapped for the content or simply because their thalaivar spoke such powerful thought-provoking words! For if they really clapped for the content, they would bring about a change to this situation! If not, there will still be colas for a party and there will be cricketers and heroines who endorse those products! No right blaming them too for there is that ‘smoke thing’!
If you want to bring a change, be the change that you want to be!! Otherwise a dozen more movies like kaththi will still be a mere entertainment and nothing more!!
P.S: I am no exception for I am also using the products, but I wish to be the change I want to see 🙂

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